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Perdagangan CFD dengan minyak mentah

Kami menawarkan referensi dua merek minyak : WTI dan BRENT

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CFD minyak mentah

Oil is a valuable natural resource used in many industries. It has a noticeable influence on daily life and its prices are an important economic indicator. Oil prices are highly volatile which allows traders to make profit through buying and selling this resource. Grand Capital offers two reference brands for trading: WTI and Brent.

  • Media environment plays an important role in the formation of the oil prices—traders have to consider all the political and economic factors;
  • Data on oil reserves should be taken into account to predict the behavior of the oil prices. Growing reserves make for a stable price, while if this indicator is falling, the price begins to rise;
  • Global economic growth also facilitates the price growth, and the opposite is also true.

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